“I lived a double life. I grew up in church thinking I knew how to live a Christian life, but it wasn’t until six years ago that I truly gave my life to God. At the time, I was in an unhealthy relationship and I felt incomplete and like I failed in life. I cried out to God saying, ‘Please, change my life. I can’t do it on my own. I can’t live like this anymore. I need You to change my life.’ And He did. Of course, it didn’t look the way I wanted it to. Over the course of the next two weeks, my boyfriend and I broke up, and the Lord captured my heart and forgave me. Now, after meeting a wonderful man here at Gateway, I’ve been married for three years and have a one-year-old son. And that ex-boyfriend? I got to witness the Lord turning his life around as well. He came to Jesus and met a godly woman. His family is close friends with my family, so I attended his wedding with my husband, which might sound weird, but it was actually a moment of redemption for both of us. Not only did God forgive us of our sin and make us whole, He gave us great spouses and families. He made our lives complete, and I’m so thankful.”
August 3, 2018