You Can Make an Impact!
Our amazing volunteers lift up the next generation and teach them that they can hear the Lord’s voice and know His love for themselves at a young age—they don’t have to wait!

A Place to Belong
Cesar says Gateway changed his life in prison and continues to change the lives of him and his family on the other side. He found faith, family, and a place to belong.

You Matter
Jairo grew up believing the bullying behavior he received from his friends was normal. It wasn’t until his family began attending Gateway Church and Gateway Students that he saw a huge difference in the way he was treated by his peers.

Extend the Invitation
Easter at Gateway Church is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect opportunity to invite family and friends to attend church with you!

A Place on the Team
A simple “yes” transformed Jake’s community, season in life, and experience with Gateway.

Forever Home
Greg and Sarah longed to have children—specifically twins—and believed God would provide for their family. As they navigated waiting, infertility, and ultimately the journey of adoption, they kept open minds and hearts.

The Joy of Serving
“What better way to have a heart for the next generation than by serving the next generation.”

Not Alone
Feeling lonely and outcast, Alyssa found herself losing all hope. But some encouraging words she received opened the door for her to embrace God’s love, find true community, and renew her hope for the future.

Hope Restored
Kyndl Bickers expected to start a family with her husband early on in their marriage. But when faced with the unexpected, she learned to give her hopes to the Lord and trust in His plan for her future.

True Life
When Ervin Lee got everything he thought he wanted in life but still felt empty, he turned to alcohol. But in the midst of his hopelessness, he discovered God’s true plan and purpose for his life.

Embracing Freedom
Durrell Glick and his family silently experienced grief for four decades. The death of his brother, Darren, was never spoken of—not until Men’s Summit 2022.

Fully Loved, Fully Healed
“There was no big crescendo in my healing story. In one simple moment of worship in the back of the room at a conference, God healed me. I didn’t do anything to receive the healing.”

Celebrating 2022
As our church looks ahead to all God is going to do, we’re praising Him for everything He’s already done! In 2022, we celebrated the start of new relationships with Christ and saw lives forever changed by His amazing love.

God is Bigger
Chris and Katy understand what it feels like to wonder if your marriage is beyond repair. But by God’s grace, their story isn’t finished yet! And they continue to believe that God will always be bigger than any brokenness.

A Heart to Build the Kingdom
Todd Offen has been involved in Gateway Men’s Ministry since he and his family started attending the church in 2016. We asked Todd to share why serving on the Build Team is important to him and how it’s impacted his life.

Beyond the Big Game: Tips on Talking to Friends About Jesus
Before you start marinating those chicken wings and prepping that queso dip, here’s something for you to simmer on. The Big Game is a great opportunity to connect with friends who may not have a church home and talk about your faith in Jesus.

Created for Community
Cynthia and Josue Summers launched their group to help people grow in their creativity while in community. Along the way, they’ve seen God move in amazing ways as group members have pursued their callings.

Fostering Hope
When God spoke to Austin and Hannah Benjamin about fostering a child, they had no idea how their obedience would change their lives. On their journey they grew in their faith and trust in God and His goodness.

Heart for the Kingdom Update | November 2022
This has been a full year for the Gateway family but reaching people for God’s kingdom has stayed at the forefront of our minds.

Full Circle
As Gabrielle Nord carefully filled a shoebox with gifts, tears filled her eyes. She had come full circle. She closed the shoebox and wondered who would be on the receiving end of it and remembered how, years ago, she was.

A Lesson in Marriage
Tagi and Kirsten Takape’s biggest fight started over a cantaloupe. That situation became a lesson in the importance of keeping God at the center of their marriage and listening to the Holy Spirit.

Signed with Love
We are so excited to celebrate what God is doing in the ASL community at Gateway! Learn more and get involved at gatewaypeople.com/asl.

Waiting for Ezra
After four years of tests, treatments, and research, Ashley and David Thompson's doctors told them they had “unexplained infertility.” It was then they decided to pause and pray, and that season led to a beautiful blessing.

Living a Legacy
Shon Flowers has served the students in Frisco for over 15 years—before Gateway Church was even there! He’s been part of changing countless lives—including that of his son—but he would say his life has been changed, too.
What has God done in your life? Share your story