“My son Ryder has been battling daily seizures since he was eight months old. In January 2018, right before Ryder’s seventh birthday, I went to a women’s retreat and the Holy Spirit told me that Ryder was on his seventh lap—that we have been marching for six years, and the walls were going to come down just like Jericho! We trusted God and prayed all year and pressed into His promise. During that next January, I told him it was the end of his seventh lap. Around that time, we attended a Special Needs Night of Worship at the Frisco Campus where we prayed for his healing. Soon after, his teacher and aides started noticing a change, and so did our family. Ryder started using all the furniture in the house to pull himself up to stand and his seizure severity lessened. On Valentine’s Day, Ryder’s teacher texted me two videos of him walking. Walking—by himself! She showed the videos to the staff at his elementary school, and people were in tears and started cheering. I just sat in my car and cried so hard as I watched these miraculous videos of our boy walking 12 and then 20 steps all by himself! Ryder turned eight years old just two days after his miracle. God told me on the retreat that Ryder would walk before his eighth birthday and he did. On Ryder’s birthday, my son Graham got out his trombone and blasted it to signal the walls falling! Ryder has continued to experience seizures since his miracle, but I know what God told me and that He will do it! I don’t know how, but I have been reminded in an unforgettable way that He is faithful to His word!”
The Engelmeyer family attends the Frisco Campus.