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February 6, 2023

Todd Offen has been involved in Gateway Men’s Ministry since he and his family started attending the church in 2016. We asked Todd to share why serving on the Build Team is important to him and how it’s impacted his life.

How do you serve at Gateway?
I work alongside my buddy Gary Dee to support and encourage the men’s group leaders at the Frisco Campus.

What makes serving so special to you?
From home repairs and homeless ministry to Christmas-gift deliveries, Gary and I have left every serving opportunity saying it blessed us way more than we blessed anybody. If I can reflect Jesus even a little to someone who’s not as fortunate as me, then that’s good enough for me.

What is one of the biggest blessings you’ve experienced serving in men’s ministry?
I’ve been blessed to meet so many guys that I now call brothers. If I need something, I know they’re going to drop everything to come and help.

What would you say to someone who’s considering serving at Gateway but doesn’t think they have the time or skills to serve?
I would say that everybody can do something. When I started serving, I didn’t think I had enough time to do this. My schedule was full, my kids were very active in school, and my job was busy. But when you start serving, it actually doesn’t take as much time as you think, and you realize it’s something you want to make time for.

How has serving impacted your family?
It’s been great to see my kids start volunteering not because I asked them to but because they saw me doing it, and they wanted to do it more.

Do you have any special advice for volunteers?
We can’t pour out to people if we’re not being fed. We have a lot of volunteers that pour out and serve a ton but aren’t in a group. We all need to be in groups that are pouring into us, or we’ll burn out. I would love to see a bunch of healthy men and women with servant hearts volunteer because they’re getting fed regularly in their small groups.

Is there a Bible verse that inspires you?
Since day one when Gary and I served in Gateway’s Men’s Brigade, we have been inspired by Isaiah 6:8: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

If you’re interested in learning more about serving opportunities to help build the kingdom, visit