Victorious Brides-Care Through Prayer | Jan Bieniosek
Group Type: Women
Campus: SLK
Campus: SLK
Victorious Brides
Care through Prayer
As His Victorious Brides, we will continue to spend time in worship, prayer, and fellowship as we focus on becoming prayer warriors for the Lord and His kingdom. We will be listening to Dutch Sheets teaching: The Lighting of God: Intercessory Prayer along with his corresponding workbook lessons that go with each teaching. No matter where we are in our prayer life, this will bring us higher and deeper as we learn to truly care through prayer as the Lord reveals His Heart to us for such a time as this.
Care through Prayer
As His Victorious Brides, we will continue to spend time in worship, prayer, and fellowship as we focus on becoming prayer warriors for the Lord and His kingdom. We will be listening to Dutch Sheets teaching: The Lighting of God: Intercessory Prayer along with his corresponding workbook lessons that go with each teaching. No matter where we are in our prayer life, this will bring us higher and deeper as we learn to truly care through prayer as the Lord reveals His Heart to us for such a time as this.