WILD 1-Spring 2025 | Black, Sanders & Tower
Group Type: Women
Campus: SLK
Campus: SLK
WILD 1 (Women In Leadership Development) is designed to allow you to meet with the Holy
Spirit on a personal level and challenges you to put into action the things He has placed within
WILD 1 is a 7-session commitment (over the course of a 7-week period). The curriculum is
designed so that each session builds on the next and requires participants to attend all classes
to receive the full benefit. If you feel that you are not able to commit to all 6 sessions, it would
be best to consider registering at a future date.
The first class will meet on Wednesday, February 12, from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The location is at
the Southlake Administrative offices at 540 S. Nolen Drive.
The class schedule is as follows:
2/12/25 Session 1: The Vision & Purpose / Overview of WILD 1
2/19/25 Session 2: Effective Leadership / Identity in Christ
2/26/25 Session 3: Finding Your Passion
Spirit on a personal level and challenges you to put into action the things He has placed within
WILD 1 is a 7-session commitment (over the course of a 7-week period). The curriculum is
designed so that each session builds on the next and requires participants to attend all classes
to receive the full benefit. If you feel that you are not able to commit to all 6 sessions, it would
be best to consider registering at a future date.
The first class will meet on Wednesday, February 12, from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The location is at
the Southlake Administrative offices at 540 S. Nolen Drive.
The class schedule is as follows:
2/12/25 Session 1: The Vision & Purpose / Overview of WILD 1
2/19/25 Session 2: Effective Leadership / Identity in Christ
2/26/25 Session 3: Finding Your Passion
3/5/25 Session 4: Comparison
3/12/25 Session 5: Speaking & Writing Tips
3/19/25 Session 7: Spirit-led Leaders
3/26/25 Session 7: Project Presentations / Embracing What's Next
3/12/25 Session 5: Speaking & Writing Tips
3/19/25 Session 7: Spirit-led Leaders
3/26/25 Session 7: Project Presentations / Embracing What's Next
WILD 1 binders with session notes will be provided. However, you will need to purchase the
CliftonStrengths Assessment and complete it by Session two on Feb 19 . The CliftonStrengths
Assessment identifies your strengths to maximize your potential. There are two options to
purchase but only the Top 5 Strengths are required for the class. Available on-line
at: https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/253868/popular-cliftonstrengths-assessment-
Top 5 Strengths - $24.99
All 34 Strengths - $59.99
****Use discount code BHDHGVB94 for $10 off your assessment***
*Note: If you have already taken this assessment, you do not need to retake it.
Please come prepared with an open heart, a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, and
with a sense of anticipation!