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Life With God

Group Type: Women
Campus: SLK
Our invitation and call from God is to live as apprentices of Jesus, being spiritually formed in a new identity and character. Paul writes in Gal 4:19, "My little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!"

Apprentices of Jesus prioritize their lives around 3 main goals: 
--to be with Him
--to become like Him
--to do the things that He did
Do you want to understand God’s story in the scriptures? What He started, what happened, and how He has and is restoring all things? Do you know what it means to be a Christian or a disciple, a true apprenticeship to Jesus? 

Do you want to understand who God is, who you are and how you fit into His story?
Do you want to understand spiritual formation?
Can we truly become like Jesus and live out of the promises that are given in the bible?

Do you want to understand the kingdom of God, what Jesus’ main mission was in coming to earth, what salvation and grace are, and how healing takes place in your mind, body, and soul?

Do you want to learn study tools to become a self-feeder, learning to be nourished by the written and living Word? Do you want to learn to do life with God as you were originally designed?

Welcome to Life with God! 
An incredible journey with an amazing community wanting to know Jesus and do life with Him! I hope you will join us! God has great things in store for you!