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Adults | Los Spanglish Disciples | Victor Ayala

Group Type: Adult (Married & Single)
Campus: PRP
Note: We are on Summer Break but will resume in the Fall!

Welcome to Los Spanglish Disciples, a vibrant new Gateway Church Group for bilingual Hispanics aged 18 and up. 

We aim to foster a tight-knit community that grows together in faith and spirit. At the heart of our gatherings, we will explore the transformative journey outlined in 'Dream to Destiny' by Pastor Robert Morris. This book will serve as our guide, inspiring discussions and insights as we strive to embody Christ's teachings in our daily lives and relationships. 

Our focus centers on the crucial spiritual practices of Hearing, Believing, and Obeying God. Together, we will delve into the biblical teachings on surrendering our lives to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. 

Join us as we embark on this shared journey to deepen our faith, understanding, and connection to God and each other.