Young Adults | Chips, Dips, and Biblical Citizenship | Tony & Sheila Davidson Gentry
Group Type: Young Adults (age 18-29)
Campus: SLK
Campus: SLK
“Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free” – John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Young Adults, ages 18-29, come join us every other Sunday afternoon for a Biblical Citizenship class for Gateway Young Adults (Single or Married)!! We will have food, fun and fellowship as we learn the biblical principles that underpin the founding of our great nation, the proper role of government, and steps each of us can take to protect our God given rights.
At our first gathering, we will focus on getting to know each other, reviewing the plan for our group, and answering any questions. The 2nd through the 8th gathering will start with appetizers and fellowship, then transition to watching a fun and informative Wallbuilders/Patriot Academy video (~45 mins) followed by group discussion.
At our first gathering, we will focus on getting to know each other, reviewing the plan for our group, and answering any questions. The 2nd through the 8th gathering will start with appetizers and fellowship, then transition to watching a fun and informative Wallbuilders/Patriot Academy video (~45 mins) followed by group discussion.