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Adult (Married & Single) | Five on Fire | Chinese | Jon Huang

Group Type: Adult (Married & Single)
Campus: SLK
Are you from Mainland China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines with someone speaking Chinese?

Are you in search of a fellowship in Christ? Are you ready to step up?

Here at our fellowship, we welcome individuals of Asian descent or those in Asian marriages. We unite to provide mutual support and empowerment, fostering spiritual leadership within our homes and communities.

"FIVE" stands for 'Grace' in Hebrew and signifies our commitment to Faith, Fellowship, Fitness, Finance, and Fun!

FIRE represents our core values:
  • Forsake sin and worldly desires (grow)
  • Illuminate others with the light of Christ (outreach)
  • Restore God's image (equip)
  • Exalt the name of the Lord (worship)
We meet at home, church, and public places.