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Special Interest/Activity | The Mandarin Gathering 中文小組 | Jay & Hannah

Group Type: Special Interest/Activity
Campus: PLN
Welcome to The Mandarin Gathering, a small group community dedicated to bringing together Chinese Mandarin speakers who seek to grow in their faith and experience God's love together!

At The Mandarin Gathering, we believe that life is better together, and we are committed to building a warm and welcoming community where everyone feels valued and supported. Whether you're a long-time believer or just starting to explore your faith, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey of discovering God's grace and purpose for our lives.

Our group meetings are filled with joyful and uplifting moments of worship, prayer, and Bible study, as we seek to deepen our understanding of God's word and its relevance to our daily lives. We also love to share our stories and experiences, and to offer encouragement and support to one another through all of life's ups and downs.

We are passionate about serving our community and making a positive impact in the world around us. We believe that God has called us to be His hands and feet, and we strive to reflect His love and compassion to everyone we encounter.

So, whether you're looking for spiritual growth, friendship, or simply a place to belong, we welcome you to The Mandarin Gathering! Join us as we journey together towards a deeper understanding of God's love and grace, and experience the joy of growing in faith as a community.




