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Outreach | Emily's Place | Ricky Banks

Group Type: Outreach
Campus: FRS
Co-Ed outreach group focused on sharing the love of Christ as we serve the community.   

emily'splace is a home for battered and abused women and their children, ages 0 to 10 years.  There are numerous opportunities for those led to serve in this outreach group.  Opportunities include but are not limited to; 
Resident’s Volunteer Roles: 
·        Financial Coach 
·        Educational Coach and Tutor 
·        Career Coach 
·        Fitness and Health Coach 
·        Life Skills Coach 
·        Spiritual Support and Prayer Partner 
·        Dinner for the Soul 
·        Mandatory Programming Presenter 
·        Supplemental Programming Presenter 
Children’s Volunteer Roles
·        Child Care Provider 
·        Special Events Provider 
·        Birthday Buddy 
·        Family Fun Provider 
·        Camp Emily Counselor 
Campus Volunteer Roles: 
·        General Maintenance 
·        Yardwork 
·        Cleaning 
·        Donation Sorting and Organization 
·        Gala Assistance 
·        Golf Tournament Assistance 
·        Tennis Tournament Assistance 
·        Special Donation Campaigns Assistance 

This group requires application to volunteer through emily'splace, which requires a background check and completion of onboarding training before a group member can visit the facility as a Gateway church representative. 
Once approved, you will receive volunteer opportunities from emily'splace in your email.  Our desire is to serve collectively as a group every other Tuesday and one Saturday a month beginning in May during our serve week.  However, we also understand that there may be opportunities that you want to volunteer for outside of our scheduled events.  We are happy to discuss how you might meet those needs as a representative of Gateway Church. 
As a member of this outreach group, you are not required to attend every event, we simply ask that your prayerfully consider your involvement each event week and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Young people 12 yrs or older are encouraged to help out as well.  Background checks are not required for them, but application and training requirement applies.
12 to 17 must be accompanied by a parent or gaurdian.   

No person shall be able to visit/attend the emily'splace campus prior to fulfillment of the onboarding requirements. 

"Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to His name.  And don't forget to do good, and to share with those in need.  These are the sacrifices that please God." Hebrews 13:15-16.

Please reach out with any questions, upon your joining of the group I will forward the application link to begin the onboarding/approval process. We will share more about the partnership and approach with emily'splace after you have completed the onboarding process.

Thank you and God bless.