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Propel-Focus | Denise Snow

Group Type: Women
Campus: SLK
Propel Women exists to see every woman activated in order to fulfill her God-given destiny 

Welcome to our Propel Series! We are so happy you are here.

Our fall 2024 semester topic is FOCUS!

Extraordinary accomplishments in the Kingdom of God are rarely happenstance.
They most often result from our daily choices and everyday actions, which God is able to use to accomplish his mighty purposes.

In the sessions to come, you’ll learn what it means to overcome life’s distractions and step into your God-given purpose. Together, we will learn how to train healthy focus habits, how healing from our past wounds allows us to be more effective in the present, and how to get back on track when we’ve lost our way.

God has given every single woman individual gifting and talents, a unique calling, and the capacity to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. Our prayer is that these six sessions are a joyful journey that inspires you to grow your capacity to focus on what is important in life, so that you can lead the life of impact that God has planned for you. We pray that you will be propelled even further into your God-given passion, purpose and potential

Hope to see you there!
Much Love, 
Denise Snow

Fall 2024 Community Night Agenda

August 7 - Night of Worship
August 21 - Session One - Begins at 7:30 after prayer and worship
Sept 4 - Session Two - Begins at 7:30 after prayer and worship
Sept 18 - Session Three - Begins at 7:00
Oct 2 - Session Four - Begins at 7:00
Oct 16 - Session Five - Begins at 7:00
Oct 30 - Special Community Night - Fall Festival
(no session this night)
Nov 6 - Session Six - Begins at 7:00
Nov 20 - Session Seven - Begins at 7:00