Adult (Married & Single) | Dinner Club | Ray & Christy Fowler
Group Type: Adult (Married & Single)
Campus: SLK
Campus: SLK
We are so glad you clicked on the Dinner Club! Here's just a few details about our group.
- Meet once a month
- Always on a Sunday evening
- Always from 5:30 - 7:30 pm
- Usually at a restaurant in the Southlake area.
- Please know....This is not a study group where were have lessons. It's mainly to get to know each other.
- We have singles, divorced and married people. No childcare.
The group started in November 2020 and the sole purpose was to make new friends in the area since we, (me and my husband, Ray) were new to the Metroplex. We lift each other up, pray for each other when needed and simply break bread with one another. There's always room at the table for others.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in please hit the join button.
Christy/Ray Fowler