Adult | Life Group | Vince and Tammy Morris
Group Type: Adult (Married & Single)
Campus: JST
Campus: JST
We focus our curriculums and discussions toward empowering people to confidently live as Christians in every aspect of their lives by applying a Biblical world view to today's culture.
Our 2024 Spring Semester will take us through Christine Caine's series: Unexpected. Every one of us is guaranteed to experience the unexpected.
Our 2024 Spring Semester will take us through Christine Caine's series: Unexpected. Every one of us is guaranteed to experience the unexpected.
But when the unpredictable shakes our faith, we hide behind our defenses, trade our hope for fear, and end up living a smaller version of the grand story God wrote for us. Is it possible to not only expect the unexpected, but even embrace it?
Unexpected offers encouragement and practical steps to move from anxiety about the unpredictable to confident faith in a good God. Through compelling stories and practical strategies, this book will help you anticipate the unexpected and to live in the joyful freedom of complete trust in God.
The book can be purchased here for $15.99.
and the workbook can be purchased here for $9.49 kindle version and $16.43 paperback.
The book can be purchased here for $15.99.
and the workbook can be purchased here for $9.49 kindle version and $16.43 paperback.