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Global Impact: Gateway's Outreach Ministry

We’re each given spheres of influence—our families, our neighborhoods, our school districts, our work environments. While it’s true that we can’t make an impact on the whole world on our own, we can make a difference in our communities. Jesus modeled by His words and His actions how to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). When we work together as the Church, our spheres of influence come together and grow, reaching more and more people with the love of Christ. To learn more about global ministry, visit

At Gateway, one of our main focuses is to just love people. Gateway Outreach is about loving people and building God’s kingdom through Christ-centered, church-led community transformation where we live and around the world.

This is why the firstfruits of Gateway’s tithe—the first 15%—goes back to the kingdom by supporting local, national, and international outreach initiatives. The generosity of Gateway members has allowed us to send funds, resources, and people to locations near and far to make a difference for the kingdom. We have also been able to develop strategic partnerships with churches, missionaries, and ministries all over the globe.

To give toward local and global outreach initiatives, visit our give page and choose “Missions - Where Needed Most” from the dropdown menu.

Volunteer Locally

Love the people in your city.

We’re all about people—and that means investing in the communities around us! Whether you’re passionate about feeding the hungry, ministering to children, or gathering items to meet tangible needs, there are so many ways you can get involved here at Gateway.

Ministry Trips

Love the people in your world.

Through Gateway ministry trips, you can serve those in need, spread Christ’s love to the lost around the world, and experience a life-changing ministry trip with your Gateway family! We offer trips to more than 20 countries each year. View the upcoming ministry trips.