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Have you ever wondered what it must have been like for the Church in its earliest days? What struggles did they face? How did they press on and follow Jesus amidst severe persecution? And what can we learn from them as we face our own struggles—some vastly different and some uncomfortably similar?
People all around are filling their calendars with work, relationships, and hobbies. Beyond that, they’re filling their minds with hopes, fears, losses, memories, and goals. While many of these “fillers” are not bad in themselves, it’s easy for any one of them to crowd out the space reserved for the most important focal point of life: our relationship with Jesus.
Be refreshed this new year with hope-filled messages at First Conference at Gateway Church. Each of our guest speakers is bringing an awesome message you won’t want to miss. Whatever your goals, dreams, and hopes are for this year, take some time to be refreshed and encouraged for your steps ahead!
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