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40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

The Elders are inviting our entire church family to devote ourselves to 40 days of prayer and fasting beginning Monday, August 5, and running through Friday, September 13. This will be a time for us to seek the Lord and intercede on behalf of our church over the following areas:

  • Healing for those who have been wounded by any form of abuse or hurt and that God would bring His comfort and restoration.
  • Wisdom and discernment for our church leadership and that they would be sensitive to God’s heart and leading for our church in this season.
  • Unity to become a defining hallmark of our congregation—unity with the Lord and with each other.
  • 10,000 sons and daughters of the next generation (40 years and younger) to experience salvation or return to the Lord (in fulfillment of the prophetic word Pastor Jentezen Franklin spoke over Gateway for this year).
  • God’s divine leading for the Elders as they begin their search for our next senior pastor and that the Lord would even now begin preparing the heart of this individual to step into that role at the right time.
  • Revival and renewal in the hearts and minds of each person and family who calls Gateway home, and that God would do a new work in each of us.

We’re asking each of you to seek the Lord and follow His leading on what specifically to fast and how often. Some examples of what that could look like are:

  • Food and Drink Examples
    Fast meals (one meal a day, all meals one day a week, sunup to sundown, etc.), sweets/sugar, meat, snacks between meals, soda, alcohol, or coffee. You could also try only drinking water; limiting coffee and tea; or not adding sugar, milk, or cream to your drinks.
  • Technology Examples
    Fast television time, video games, or social media. You could also try deleting some apps from your phone or setting time limits for social media use.
  • Other Examples
    Fast from reading, watching the news, or listening to the radio/music while driving to work. You could also try getting up earlier in the day to pray and spend time in the Word.

In-Person Prayer Times at Your Campus

Join us for dedicated times to pray together at your campus.

Southlake Campus | Wednesdays | 6:30–7:30 pm (When this falls on a community night, prayer night and community night will be combined.)
Dallas Campus | Wednesdays | 7–8 pm
Frisco Campus | Wednesdays | 6:30–7:30 pm
Grand Prairie Campus | Wednesdays | 7–8 pm
Jackson Hole Campus | Mondays | 6:30–7:30 pm
Justin Campus | Tuesdays | 6:30–7:30 pm
North Fort Worth Campus | Tuesdays | 5:45–6:45 pm
NRH Campus | Mondays | 7–8 pm
Plano Campus | Wednesdays | 7–8 pm (With the exception of Aug 14. Prayer night will move to combine with community night on Tuesday, Aug 13.) 
Prosper Campus | Tuesdays | 7–8 pm

Why Fast?

The reason why we fast is because it often allows us to better tune in and hear what God is speaking to us. Fasting creates an intentional shift in our hearts and minds to pursue God and His perfect will.