Crisis Relief
Our friends in California need our prayers right now. The spreading wildfires have left thousands of families displaced and entire neighborhoods destroyed.
As a church, it’s important we have an organized response to this crisis so we can be of assistance and not a hindrance. We ask that you not travel to the affected area unless you have communicated with an organization already involved in relief efforts and they are aware of your arrival. Here’s how you can help right now.
- Pray for God’s comfort to surround the families affected by the wildfires.
- Pray for the first responders to have strength as they continue serving their communities.
- Pray for healing, peace, provision, and restoration for every community impacted.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
–Proverbs 18:10
Your donations will be given to our ministry partners helping those affected by crisis and disaster situations both now and as they arise in the future. Give to our crisis relief fund.
Please note Gateway is not collecting tangible donations (clothes, canned food, etc.) at this time.
For more information about Gateway’s crisis relief, email