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There’s a group for you at Gateway!
You were made to live in community with others, and one way to find that at Gateway is to get in a group! No matter what kind of group you’re looking for or what stage of life you’re in, we want you to be in a community with people who encourage you, help you grow, and have fun!
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Leading a Group?
Leading a group doesn’t have to be intimidating or overwhelming. Whatever God has made you passionate about, you can lead a group around that common interest. From there, relationships are cultivated, and discipleship follows. So whether you’re interested in serving the community once a month, trying a new restaurant with friends, or studying the Bible, you can gather people together to build relationships. We will give you all the training, resources, and support you need to succeed as a leader!
If you have already completed Growth Path, fill out this form.
If you haven’t completed Growth Path, learn more here.
Find inspiration for your new group at our online bookstore!
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