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Men | Dominion | Pastor Dustin Herron

Group Type: Men
Campus: SLK
Dominion is intended to create a space for men to come together and press into the life that the Father has for them. His desire is for you to be whole; to be complete; to be a direct reflection of His masculinity on the earth.

When God created the earth, He gave mankind dominion over creation. When mankind sinned in the Garden, that dominion was relinquished. When Jesus died on the cross, a way for man to regain that dominion was established.

Our vision is to create a community of men who press into learning what walking in Dominion looks like. We focus on bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the lives of every man -- and their families. 

You and I are called to live in the Kingdom of God, and to bring our own kingdoms under the dominion of Jesus. 

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays that correlate to Community Nights at the Southlake campus. We have a Spring and a Fall Semester and meet in Room 1C. 

You may join ANY week, regardless of how far into the semester we are. This is meant to be a place of ONGOING COMMUNITY for men.

A free dinner is provided for all those attending Community Nights starting at 6pm. Everyone gathers for a few minutes in the Main Auditorium at 7:00pm. We break off to go to our class for Dominion at 7:15pm and meet in Room 1C.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Southlake Campus men's pastor at or 817.552.5809.